Naneva, Anita; Sintzel, Barbara

There exist hundreds of sustainability certifications for the built environment. The number is expected to rise as the focus on environmental issues increases. However, these certificates are usually carried further through static-based approaches. They are disconnected from the design practice, while, as shown by the ‘MacLeamy Curve’, design decisions made earlier in the building process strongly affect positive outcomes. As a result, decision-making metrics are limited and the related improvements of the building concepts are minimized. There is an opportunity to bring forward sustainability certifications-related calculations in a digital built environment. We present a proof-of-concept of such a dynamic approach using the Swiss sustainability standard Minergie-ECO as an example. Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) calculations are implemented in a digital form, namely Building Information Modelling (BIM). The BIM-LCA integration demonstrates that current prevalent static approaches can be further refined and turned into dynamic ones. Hence, the time and effort for their implementation are reduced, and decision-making information is brought in a structured and visual form.