MO.2.E || What Gets Measured, Gets Improved – Impact Assessment and Environmental Labeling Along the Production Chain II
Johnsen, Fredrik Moltu; Tellnes, Lars G. F.
In the past ten years, an increasing number of Environmental product declarations (EPDs) of building materials in accordance with EN 15804 have been developed and verified. This trend is expected to continue. Over the last few years, there have been several initiatives with the aim of making EPD development more efficient, such as specialised software solutions. Standards have also been updated, for instance, EN 15804 and ECO platform have developed common verification procedures. Nevertheless, verification of EPDs may show variation in both requirements and practice between different programme operators, and between individual verifiers. The crucial question is how strict verification should be. We have approached this question from several angles. First, a review of similar schemes was performed from literature, especially concerning the “Systems for assessment and verification of construction products’ performance”. The latter has several levels (1+, 1, 2+, 3, 4) of verification, and makes requirements for when the manufacturer can self-confirm and when control from a notified body is required. The current EPD verification of manual EPDs has more similarities to system 3, whereas EPDs from software tools seem to vary between 1, 2 and 4. A clarification of which products and aspects that require which levels of verification appears to be needed. The second approach was an expert evaluation of specific products, through a workshop which included LCA/EPD experts for wood products and the notified body for CE marking of the same products. The presentation will show the possible harmonisation and differentiation of EPD verification requirements from this workshop.