MO.1.B || Transformation Towards Future Mobility

Forell, Alexander; Danzer, Christoph

Decarbonizing mobility, especially individual mobility and heavy duty transportation, is a challenging endeavor. Studies have shown that a close to net zero use stage can be achieved with any powertrain (ICEV – eFuels, FCEV – hydrogen electrolysis, BEV – direct renewable electricity). This is however overlapped by discussions about energy efficiency of eFuels and high production stage emissions of alternative powertrains, as well as a lack of infrastructure. The levers to reduce lifecycle carbon emissions could quickly be identified, e.g. fuel / electricity consumption, battery capacity, material selection. However, integrating design for environment into the product development process to create a link between technical measures and CO2-targets that are defined on a corporate/portfolio level is extremely challenging. Purpose driven design for environment activities, need to be integrated into the design process changing the way components are developed and providing real time insight into what are the implications of design options. It is important to consider that eco-design considerations are rarely the prime driver of design changes. Instead multi-criteria decision analysis is required to understand the implications of design decisions on criteria such as cost, compliance, risk and sustainability. Using a digital twin solution is the only way to look at all these dimensions simultaneously and embedding this technology into existing processes results in products which are more sustainable, compliant and safer with lower risk. A digital twin solution accelerates the process from months/years to just days/weeks to make these multi-criteria design decisions. In addition, digital twins enable scenarios analysis for markets shares, technological developments and changes in supply chain to calculate the impact on carbon emission, cost and supply chain risk across the whole portfolio.