Cor, Emmanuelle; Baffie, Thierry; Monnier, Elise

LCA results are often subject to misinterpretations by industrial players, such as product designers, R&D engineers or production managers. This is mainly due to the diversity of their expertise, to the need for specific knowledge to understand the complexity of LCA results or to the quantity of information to assimilate for a good interpretation of graphs, indicators and order of magnitude. The H2020 SUPREME research project aimed at optimizing powder metallurgy (PM) processes throughout the value chain in terms of resources consumption, energy utilization and carbon dioxide emissions. Life Cycle Assessment of 38 processes of the PM value chain from metal extraction to parts production (by additive or near net shape manufacturing processes), was realized in this project to assess the environmental performance of this value chain. A challenge in this project was to provide a clear restitution of these LCA results to the different R&D experts of PM value chain in order to promote eco-design activities and processes optimization. In this way, we proposed to the PM R&D experts a document called a “Process Environmental Profile” that gives a representation of the environmental performance of their area of expertise. This document aimed to be a support to get readers to draw the conclusions usually made by LCA experts in order to improve the appropriation of the results by technical teams. The work presented here explains how this Process Environmental Profile adapted to powder metallurgy was built through collaborative workshops and an environmental database. A presentation of the structure of the document and the choices made for PM LCA results visualization will be proposed.