TU.2.D || Sustainability Assessments in Industry Creating Meaningful Information

Whiting, Andy; Aumônier, Simon; Collins, Michael; Calnan, Aoife; Brick, Nathan; Aumônier, Riley

Pressurised metered-dose inhalers (pMDI) are the most common type of inhaler device used in the UK and are widely employed in other markets around the world. These inhalers typically make use of one of two hydrofluoroalkane propellants as excipients: HFA-134a or HFA-227ea. Both of these propellants also have a high global warming potential (GWP) (1,300 and 3,350 respectively). As a result of their GWP and their frequent use, pMDIs make a significant contribution to the overall carbon footprint (CFP) of healthcare. The pharmaceutical industry is exploring several innovations to reduce the carbon impact of inhaled medicines. Dry powder inhalers (DPI) and soft mist inhalers (SMI) are currently available low-GWP inhaler devices that use no propellant gas. As a result of avoiding this contribution to their total footprint, the CFP of the device is significantly reduced. A low-GWP propellant, HFA-152a, has also been proposed as an alternative means of reducing the footprint of pMDI. Finally, digital companions have been developed to improve adherence to inhaler medication and consequently reduce asthma exacerbations. This presentation discusses the findings of a range of carbon footprint and life cycle assessment studies of inhalers, together with the footprint of asthma exacerbations that constitute part of the wider patient care pathway and that may be avoided through improved adherence and more efficacious medicines.