TU.2.B || Future Sustainable Lifestyles – Urban Structure

Brunklaus, Birgit; Ordoñez, Isabel; Svärd, Lotta; Gemfors, Fredrik

The collection and recycling of packaging and life cycle assessments have traditionally been developed from a technical perspective, not including the actors in the chain. How recycling should be done depends on who you ask, and whether you look at the issue from an energy, material, legal or user-based perspective. FTI, the Packaging and Newspaper Collection organization is responsible for collecting these fractions and better material recirculation in Sweden’s municipalities. They ensure that containers are emptied, that the collection points remain clean, that contents go to the right treatment, and that materials are recycled as much as possible. When recyclable materials end up in the wrong place, it causes problems leading to increased energy use in the life cycle. The ongoing project Tjårven, aims to reduce energy use in connection with packaging collection, as well as potential energy gains in the second stage of the packaging life cycle, by redesigning packaging collection from a user centred perspective. In order to show the energy use in the lifecycle and include the actors in the chain, an actor-based LCA method will be used. In order to redesign packaging collection from a user perspective, the design methods will start from users’ behaviour. The project includes a case study that intends to design a more energy efficient collection infrastructure and allowing for a better circularity and sustainable future lifestyle. The project also includes a literature study that will provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art of collection infrastructures, considering how energy efficient they are and how a circular lifestyle can contribute to future sustainable lifestyles.