Silva, Max
For the past 25 years, China has been responsible for half of the world’s paper, metal and plastic recycling. Countries like Canada, Ireland, USA and others in Europe decided to send their waste because it became an economical alternative to export to have to deal with in their countries. However, in early 2018, China decided not to receive them anymore, causing these countries to reflect on other alternatives, as they were directly affected. Some, as an emergency measure, decided to create laws banning straws and disposable packaging, as is the case in Vancouver, Canada, in an attempt to reduce the disposal of these materials that cost up to $ 2.5 million Canadian dollars a year to be collected. In order to bring together the different points of view and contribute to a discussion we mobilized all parties involved in the production, distribution, use and disposal of plastics to understand better solutions for the future of this material, as well as to identify the main ones uncertainties currently faced. Using a perception analysis methodology ( amog the chain, it was possible to map the main material themes and through an online questionnaire summarize what companies, specialists and everyone involved in the chain are realizing about the future of plastic. It is a project of public interest that aims to benefit society in general. We had the participation of public representatives from all parts of the chain. For the systematization and interpretation of results, these audiences were divided into three groups, according to their influence and participation in decision-making: industry, civil society and waste managers. From there we try to capture from these stakeholders an assessment of the perception between what is relevant to the best consumption relationship with plastic, and what is being discussed and faced in a practical way among the actors in the chain, bringing some recommendations that must be provoked.